
Meet Norah Addison Ferstl

What a difference a day makes.

August 30th. I celebrated turning 27 years of age.

August 31st. I went into work to be surprised by my wife, Josie, coming in after her doctor's appointment to let me know that shortly we were going to go to the hospital to have a baby!

September 1st. Norah Addison Ferstl came into this world and our lives were changed forever!

This was a week that I will never forget. Norah is the coolest little munchkin ever! I find so much daily inspiration while watching her. When she opens her eyes and looks around you see so much intrigue and curiosity. Everything is new. Everything is for the first time. She truly is a blessing from God to Josie and me.

Below are a few of my favorite pics from such a glorious day.



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Celebrating A Life

There are only a handful of men whom I would consider my ultimate role models.  My Grandfather is most certainly one of the choice members.

He has always fallen into the category of a "great" Grandfather.  Now with Norah on the way it's only a matter of time until he is both the noun and the adjective.

Plus he looks stylin' in his new hat!